- interdisciplinary approach
- междисциплинарный подход (напр., в задачах исследования операций)
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming. 2013.
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming. 2013.
interdisciplinary — [in΄tərdis′ə pli ner΄ē] adj. involving, or joining, two or more disciplines, or branches of learning [the interdisciplinary approach of the psychohistorian] … English World dictionary
Interdisciplinary Telecommunications Program — The [http://telecom.colorado.edu Interdisciplinary Telecommunications Program] (its acronym is ITP) is a part of the University of Colorado at Boulder and offers graduate degrees in telecommunications: a Master of Science in Telecommunications… … Wikipedia
interdisciplinary — in|ter|dis|ci|pli|nar|y [ ,ıntər dısıplı,neri ] adjective involving different subjects of study: an interdisciplinary approach to the study of public health … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Interdisciplinary teaching — is a method, or set of methods, used to teach a unit across different curricular disciplines. For example, the seventh grade Language Arts, Science and Social Studies teachers might work together to form an interdiscipinary unit on rivers. The… … Wikipedia
approach — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 way of dealing with sb/sth ADJECTIVE ▪ conventional, orthodox, traditional ▪ alternate (AmE), alternative, different, fresh, new … Collocations dictionary
interdisciplinary — adj. Interdisciplinary is used with these nouns: ↑approach, ↑collaboration … Collocations dictionary
Center Leo Apostel for Interdisciplinary Studies — The Center Leo Apostel for Interdisciplinary Studies (CLEA) is an interdisciplinary research centre founded at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in 1995 with the aim to construct integrating worldviews . This encompassing philosophical scientific… … Wikipedia
Society for Interdisciplinary Studies — The Society for Interdisciplinary Studies (SIS) is a membership based organization formed in 1974 in response to the growing interest in the works of modern catastrophists, notably the highly controversial Dr Immanuel Velikovsky . [Society for… … Wikipedia
Multidisciplinary approach — A multidisciplinary approach to problem solving involves drawing appropriately from multiple disciplines to redefine problems outside of normal boundaries and reach solutions based on a new understanding of complex situations. Multidisciplinary… … Wikipedia
Междисциплинарный подход — (Interdisciplinary approach). Подход к личности, подчеркивающий важность взаимодействия различных отраслей науки, то есть вклада, который могут сделать социологи, антропологи, этологи и другие ученые в понимание поведения человека … Теории личности: глоссарий
Systems theory — is an interdisciplinary field of science and the study of the nature of complex systems in nature, society, and science. More specificially, it is a framework by which one can analyze and/or describe any group of objects that work in concert to… … Wikipedia